Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me Monday


Welcome to...

Well it is Monday once again. How do they get here so quickly? Bc they follow the weekend, that is why.  ;-)

It was NOT ME who got in the car at 11pm (almost) and drove across town to get a shamrock shake bc the McD's closest to me was out. Those shakes are not that good and I could certainly do with out. 

It was NOT ME that decided to quit buying groceries (mostly) in an effort to eat out more and help to boost our economy.

It was NOT ME who was awake until 4am wed night/thurs morning bc C took a two hour nap from 9:30-11:30 PM and would NOT go back to sleep.

It was NOT ME that went to pick up my sister's step son from school last week in my pj's @ 3:30 in the afternoon. Are you kidding...I get up, shower and get dressed EVERYDAY.

It is NOT ME that keeps coming up with projects around the house (inside & out) even though we are selling. Who wants to put more money into a house that they are selling? NOT ME, that is who. 

It was NOT ME that said they were going to downsize C's birthday party this year, only to make the guest list out and discover it is longer than the previous year(s).

OK, I think that was it for NOT ME this past week. For more NOT ME fun go check out MckMama @ my charming kids .

8 ?'s, comments or concerns:

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

I have the same problem with birthday's and I love me a shamrock shacke too. When I saw you twitter about it, I almost wanted to go get one too.

Lisa said...

OMGosh, I am so NOT addicted to those Shamrock Shakes. I had my DH turn around the car and back track just so I could get one. Love em.

T said...

hmmm...never had one of those shakes...I might NOT have to go try one out! Loving your not buying groceries!

He & Me + 3 said...

Yes, those shakes are totally worth the extra miles. YUM! & they are seasonal, so you gotta get them when you can.:)
Gotta love those late evening naps:)

Emily said...

Ok, I love your buying groceries idea...I'm going to have to try that one out! lol

Kelly said...

LOL... I too am addicted to shamrock milshakes. Makes wearing that icky green color for a holiday I will never understand be SO worth it!! :o) Happy Monday!

Florida Girl said...

Great List!

McCrakensx4 said...

OH...I am loving me a shamrock shake right now! YUMMY! Great NMM List! Have a great week!