Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Me Monday



Well it is Monday again. How is it that Monday comes so quickly, when Friday takes forever to get here?

So, do you want to know what I did not do this past week? Me too...
Let's review...

I did not make Oreo cake to serve at Bible study, only to get sidetracked and not offer it to anyone.  (gasp) Who would do such a thing?  NOT ME!!!

I then did not proceed to eat above mentioned cake as my dinner that evening bc I was hungry and did not want to fix dinner so late. 

I did not let C, go and stay with his Mackle (Grandma) Saturday night, knowing that she had a cold and did not feel well. (hey, she told him he could and he had a cold too, so no harm, no foul, right?)

I did not guilt P into taking me to dinner after dropping C off @ my Mom's bc we were kid free. Never, I would not do something like that...I would not have to. P would WANT to take me to dinner. :)

Ok, well I am certain there is more that I did NOT do, but right now I can not think of it. Maybe next week.

For more of this NOT ME madness, check out MckMama @   my charming kids .


****believe it or not this was my second post today, to check out my first click on the link below (or just keep scrolling down)  ;)

5 ?'s, comments or concerns:

He & Me + 3 said...

I never guilt Agent into taking me out to dinner either..Yum Oreo cake.

Susie said...

I like Oreos AND kid-free dinners. You get to be all grown up and don't have to eat cold food just because someone is already done and you have to chase them around the room.
Great post!

McCrakensx4 said...

You are too funny! I never guilt my hubby into doing anything you said, they shouls WANT to! And the whole eating cake for dinner..never! (yummy!)

Katie said...

Too funny! I want some orea cake. Yum!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

How cute, loved the oreo cake one. I love cake for dinner.