Monday, December 8, 2008

for me? Thank you!!!


I received a couple of awards over the weekend and want to take the time now to post them and once again say THANK YOU so much for thinking of me.

First Stacey from McCrakensx4, gave me this award...THANK YOU!!! I am so blessed to have met you through this bloggy world.

"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find, and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers."

The rules: pass along to eight bloggers who are to include the text above and then they pass it onto eight bloggers.

I know I say this A LOT, but there is NO way I could pick just eight of you. So, if you do not have this award, I am tagging you. PLEASE, take the award and pass it on to others. I consider each of you my bloggy friends and I heart you all.


Second, Keli @ Dream.Imagine.Live, gave me this award...I am so excited to get this. I have seen it floating around out there and secretly wanted it. ;) So THANK YOU Keli for passing it my direction.

Chirstmas Award

The Rules are simple:
You must be a true Christmas lover to receive this award.
The person to whom you give the award must also be in love with Christmas.
You must link back to the person who gave you the award.
You must list 5 things that you love about Christmas.
If you can't limit it to 5 things, then keep going till you run out of space! :o)
Pass the award along to as many people as you like. That can be 1 or 45; it's up to you. But, you must pass it on to at least one person in order to keep the Christmas cheer going!
Let your recipients know that you have tagged them by leaving them a comment on their blog.

5 Things I love about Christmas:

1. celebrating Jesus' birth (we are starting a new tradition with our son this year to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and as dessert have birthday cake)
2. getting together with family & friends
3. going out looking at the Christmas lights
4. baking
5. candle light service @ church
6. CJ with his ?'s..."can I have this for Christmas, and this and this and this" and when he saw the first snow flakes this season, he announced to EVERYONE..."it's Christmas". I love his innocence.

Ok...for this I must choose at least ONE person to pass this on to...I choose three.
1. Lisa @
(bc I share her Christmas decorating style)
1. Susie @ 
Mommy, Just One More Minute! 
(bc she is an awesome Mom. She has an advent calendar and puts a gift in each day for her adorable daughter, Sophie and they do Christmas crafts together, etc and she takes pix of all of this to share with us)
1. hilltoper @
life on the hilltop 
(bc she is opting for a "free" Christmas and has made several of her gifts this year. Neat ones too)

Check out these ladies if you have not already. They are all AWESOME and my life is more blessed each day by getting to know them more.

Did anyone notice that all three of the ladies are listed as 1. ?   ;)

4 ?'s, comments or concerns:

He & Me + 3 said...

Congrats to you and all the bloggers you passed these awards onto! So neat!

Unknown said...

thanks kelly!!!

McCrakensx4 said...

Congrats! Your bloogy bling looks great on you :)

Susie said...

Oh, thanks Kelly! You're number 1 too! Congrats on your awards, and I love your list!!
I'll get on this asap.
I REALLY like your Christmas decor for your blog-very cool!!